Skincare Sunday: BlogADay January 5th

     Keeping with the theme of my Sexy Saturday blog, Skincare Sunday will help with dry skin. As you know most people suffer with dry skin in the winter. I do for one! A few months ago as a Klout perk I received a sample of Freeman Beauty masks. I loved them all but the one that I just HAD TO HAVE was the Charcoal & Black Sugar Facial Polishing Mask. I do have to say as soon as I seen the Allure Best of beauty award on the package I was intrigued. A product that retails for about $3.99 getting an award? It made my inner Frugal fashionista dance the salsa.

     So how did it work? Amazing! I have to agree with Allure. The grainy scrub made my skin feel Summer soft in the dead of winter. I even used a bit of the scrub with my bodywash to get rid of my dry skin on my legs. If it wasn't Below zero I'd have worn a skirt that's how great my legs felt. I now have a new go to facial scrub. So check out this item from Freeman beauty and all their other great products. 


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