
Azure Naturals ULTIMATE RETINOL Anti Wrinkle Serum!

Now that I am in my 30s I started to think about using Anti-Aging products. But with so many on the market how was I to choose. Well after watching a show on TV (I won't say who), I heard Retinol was the way to go.   

Retinol improves:

  • Pigmentation
  • Fine lines
  • Wrinkles
  • Skin tone 
  • Skin texture 
  • Color
  • Increases your hydration levels. 

What makes Retinol so great?

Cellular renewal happens continuously when we're young, but as we age the skin's ability to renew itself slows down. Retinol has a very small molecular structure that allows it to deeply penetrate your skin activating collagen and elastin. Applied at night ULTIMATE Retinol will increase your skin's moisture, promoting cellular turnover and renewal.

Why try Azure Naturals brand?

Made in the USA With The Highest Quality Natural and Organic Ingredients Available: 97% Natural, 72% Organic. Contains No Alcohol, No Parabens, Plant Based, No GMO's, Cruelty Free and Never Tested On Animals. And if that isn't enough? Azure Naturals has a  Hassle Free 100% Money Back Guarantee!  And its good for 1 year. Yes A 365 days!

How did it work for me?

I liked it! My trouble zones are the texture and tone of my skin. Also I have very fine lines near my eyes. Aka crows feet. Oh my did I admit that? haha! Well after a weeks use my skin appears to have a better tone and its not dry like it usually is in the winter. I do put the serum on in the early evening and a night cream on every other night. Just to make sure my dryness does not come back. After 1 week of use I love it and cant wait to see the results at the 1 month mark.

Don't wanna wait to win this great product? Buy it on Amazon.

*Disclosure: I received this product complementary for review. But the thoughts and opinions are that of my own*

30 Day Workout Challenges 2015: Butt and Abs *Repost*

     As you may know I tried this challenge last year. However, due to many factors I stopped on the 9th or 10th day. But it is a New Year and the Number 1 Resolution is weight loss I'm trying it again. I'm not going to give you the "New Year New me" speech! But it's a great time to start the Challenge! Especially since the Ab challenge is little hard to read, so starting on the first day is easier!

I did choose these challenge because of the gradual increase. Which should help us both.

I also picked these challenges because you get a day off every 4 days which is about when I really need it! Of course with all workout plans ask your Doctor first! But if he/she says it's ok! Join me! I personally won't be posting before and after pictures but I will give a weekly progress report! 

     *I also installed two new apps to help with dieting from the Play Store (I currently have an Android) 30 Day Fitness Challenges and joined Spark People. The 30 day Squats is available in the challenge app. The nice part is it will give you reminders to do your squats. They also have abs and other area challenges like abs and Cardio.

Good Luck to anyone trying the weight loss, maintain their weight, or just live a healthy lifestyle in the land of fast food!

Disclaimer: This is part of a sponsored collaboration with Latina Mom Bloggers and Old Spice.  All opinions are 100% mine.

Your son growing up is hard for most Moms to accept. We still see our sons as the little boy, playing with Hot Wheels and Legos on the living room floor. So when our boys start to show signs of growing up, most Moms wanna cry. We want them to remain little forever. Dads on the other hand are excited for their sons to grow up. They have another man in the house. This idea is the story behind Old Spices new promo "DadSong". A cute tale of how Dad feels about his son growing up. If you have not seen it, Check it out at:

I can't believe that little boy in the middle is now 15 and 6ft tall.

Now as most of you know I'm the mother of a teenage boy. When he started getting older I too wanted to keep him a baby forever. But POOF it seem like overnight he woke up with facial hair and body odor. SMELLCOME TO MANHOOD TOMMY! Neither of us was excited at first. He now had to shower daily, which he finds a chore. But that is the best way to cover up his manly smell,the bad kind.  And I'm not sure who's idea it was but at that stage he thought he should wear body spray. Which would be helpful, if he did not wanna wear a whole bottle at a time. I mean if hes trying to impress teenage girls. How would he be able to talk to them? When they would be gagging from all the body spray?  So what I need to do is to teach him to SCENT RESPONSIBLY like Old Spice says. I mean who better to teach us about manly scents then Old Spice. Its a "Mans man" type of scent. So how did I teach Tommy to Scent Responsibly? I explained that the Old Spice Re-Fresh will kick in as his body temp goes up. No need to reapply or put on a ton. I told him "it works like deodorant works, when you sweat it turns up the scent. Now that my son is "Scenting Responsibly" its all about the great manly scents of Old Spice. This is not your Grandpas Old Spice. These scents are clean, crisp, and manly.

How to get your man to Scent Responsibly? 

First pick up Old Spice Re-Fresh in the scent of his or your choice. Then apply a Two second spray and your done. With Old Spice's new  Re-Fresh body sprays its never been easier. One 2 second spray and it lasts all day. It eliminates the need to re apply or over spray. The motto "One Spray lasts all day" is so true. My son comes home after school, sports and friends smelling great. Check out their new nature inspired Timber scent. Or my sons favorite scent, Swagger. Its a great, clean, scent that even I love.

With the holidays coming up Old Spice has some great gift sets out!

No matter if your looking for your son, father, brother, or husband. The Re-Fresh body sprays make great stocking stuffers. And giving the gift of manhood could not be easier then with Old Spice gift sets. They make great gifts for the men in your life. Do you have a teenage boy who you wanna Smellcome to Manhood? Well this is the perfect time. Right now you can save money on Old Spice at Why not start their New Year smelling great! 

Coupons available at

Not only do guys out grow their clothes and shoes. They out grow their toys. And unless you have smaller boys or plan on more soon. These toys take up too much space. So this holiday season why not help some boys who are less fortunate? Old Spice partnered with Second Chance Toys to help out these kids. You can too by donating your genitally used toys at:

As if getting a great deal on Old Spice wasn't good enough. I am giving away a Smellcome to Manhood prize pack for you or the man in your life. So whats in this prize pack? 


  • Old Spice Re-fresh Body Spray
  • Old Spice Tshirt
  • Old Spice Branded Earbuds
  • Bear Paws Meat tool
  • Duct Tape
  • Art of Manliness Book
  • "Scent Responsibly" instructions
  • Smellcome to manhood certificate


Wanna stay in touch and learn more about the great Old Spice products:

Twitter: @OldSpice

This is part of a sponsored collaboration with MedImmune and Latina Mom Bloggers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.

     Even though I am a mother of a son who was an ECMO baby. And I am familiar with RSV, I still learned a lot writing this blog post. First let me tell you a bit about what I mean my son was an Ecmo baby. When my son was born, he had meconium aspiration. That means when he was delivered he swallowed some of the fluid he was in. And it got into his lungs and he had to be put on a machine called ECMO for a few days, to do the work of his heart and lungs. He is fine now strong and healthy boy. But those first couple of years I gained a lot of grey hair worrying about him. Every little sneeze I wanted to take him to the Doctor.


This was him before he was put on the ECMO machine. 

This is my son a few days after he was off the machines. But due to the fact he had be on oxygen and was that lung machine at birth. We were informed about RSV. Sadly most parents arent.

So why did I take on this cause? I have a newborn niece, a nephew under 2 and many friends with Newborns at home. Also I have had many friends whos children were hospitalized with RSV. Some I'm just finding out had severe cases of RSV. I was lucky because my son was in NICU I was informed about this disease. However, many parents are not. One third of Mothers who's children get RSV did not know what it was. We were prepared on what to look for. I plan to help you become prepared too.

What is RSV? 

Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a common seasonal virus that effects almost 100% of all children, newborn to age 2. November until March is usually RSV season but it varies by geography. In most children it leads to a mild respiratory infection and the symptoms appear like a common cold or flu. However, in severe cases hospitalization is required. RSV is the leading cause of hospitalization in babies under one. That's 125,000 hospitalizations and up to 400 infant death every year in the USA. All children are at risk however, the risk for Preemies is doubled. Preemies are babies born at 37 weeks or earlier. The main reason for that is most preemies lungs are not as developed as a full term baby. At the moment there is NO CURE. Knowing the symptoms and prevention is your best defense.

What are the symptoms of severe RSV disease?

 Signs of severe RSV disease include:

  •  Coughing or wheezing that does not stop
  •  Fast or troubled breathing 
  • Spread-out nostrils and/or a caved-in chest when trying to breathe 
  • Bluish color around the mouth or fingernails 
  • Fever (especially if it is over 100.4°F (rectal) in infants under 3 months of age)

How Can RSV be prevented?

  •  Wash your hands and ask all who care for the child do the same 
  •  Keep toys, clothes, blankets, and sheets clean 
  • Avoid crowds and being around people, including young children, who may be sick during RSV season 
  • Ask your child’s pediatrician if he or she may be at high-risk and ways you can protect a high-risk baby . 

    To learn more about protecting your family go to:         



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