RSV: What every parent and caregiver needs to know!

This is part of a sponsored collaboration with MedImmune and Latina Mom Bloggers. However, all opinions expressed are my own.

     Even though I am a mother of a son who was an ECMO baby. And I am familiar with RSV, I still learned a lot writing this blog post. First let me tell you a bit about what I mean my son was an Ecmo baby. When my son was born, he had meconium aspiration. That means when he was delivered he swallowed some of the fluid he was in. And it got into his lungs and he had to be put on a machine called ECMO for a few days, to do the work of his heart and lungs. He is fine now strong and healthy boy. But those first couple of years I gained a lot of grey hair worrying about him. Every little sneeze I wanted to take him to the Doctor.


This was him before he was put on the ECMO machine. 

This is my son a few days after he was off the machines. But due to the fact he had be on oxygen and was that lung machine at birth. We were informed about RSV. Sadly most parents arent.

So why did I take on this cause? I have a newborn niece, a nephew under 2 and many friends with Newborns at home. Also I have had many friends whos children were hospitalized with RSV. Some I'm just finding out had severe cases of RSV. I was lucky because my son was in NICU I was informed about this disease. However, many parents are not. One third of Mothers who's children get RSV did not know what it was. We were prepared on what to look for. I plan to help you become prepared too.

What is RSV? 

Respiratory Syncytial Virus is a common seasonal virus that effects almost 100% of all children, newborn to age 2. November until March is usually RSV season but it varies by geography. In most children it leads to a mild respiratory infection and the symptoms appear like a common cold or flu. However, in severe cases hospitalization is required. RSV is the leading cause of hospitalization in babies under one. That's 125,000 hospitalizations and up to 400 infant death every year in the USA. All children are at risk however, the risk for Preemies is doubled. Preemies are babies born at 37 weeks or earlier. The main reason for that is most preemies lungs are not as developed as a full term baby. At the moment there is NO CURE. Knowing the symptoms and prevention is your best defense.

What are the symptoms of severe RSV disease?

 Signs of severe RSV disease include:

  •  Coughing or wheezing that does not stop
  •  Fast or troubled breathing 
  • Spread-out nostrils and/or a caved-in chest when trying to breathe 
  • Bluish color around the mouth or fingernails 
  • Fever (especially if it is over 100.4°F (rectal) in infants under 3 months of age)

How Can RSV be prevented?

  •  Wash your hands and ask all who care for the child do the same 
  •  Keep toys, clothes, blankets, and sheets clean 
  • Avoid crowds and being around people, including young children, who may be sick during RSV season 
  • Ask your child’s pediatrician if he or she may be at high-risk and ways you can protect a high-risk baby . 

    To learn more about protecting your family go to:         



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