Blog A Day Challenge January 2014

        I did try this in December but due to some medical and family issues it couldn't be done. But I am going to try again! 
     I'm still at the touch and feel part of blogging. Meaning I'm trying to see what works and what people want to read. I know it's my own "Beba babble" but I want it to be interesting to you! So I am going to do a blog a day! Starting on January 1st, TODAY until Jan 31st. Comments, follows are all appreciated. I am trying to make each one new blog or a repost of a favorite you may have not read. However today being Weightloss Wednesday I will be restarting the 30 day Challenge. Epically since the Number 1 New Year Resolution is Weight loss!

     So what's the lineup?

*Sundays- Skincare Sundays! This will be product reviews. Tips and tricks to better skin.

*Mondays-Makeup Mondays! Makeup, brush and other cosmetic accessories reviews. Plus tips and tricks!

*Tuesdays-Tasty Tuesdays! This day is all about food! Recipes, restaurants and sweet treats!

*Wednesday- Weightloss Wednesday! Also known as workout Wednesday. Healthy tips, products and challenges I may come across.

*Thursdays-Thirsty Thursday! All Drinks with or with out alcohol. Reviews and recipes.This is all about brevages. 

*Fridays-Family Fridays! Children, money saving, family and pets are what Fridays will be about! Anything to make your household run smoother!

*Saturdays- Sexy Saturdays! This will be tips and tricks to get sexy. Also money saving ideas for a night out? $100 for 8 eyeshadows? How about 10 high pigment colors for about $6?
**Since this is the Chicago diva on a dime I will include money saving tips, reasonable priced items and low cost alternatives.

If anyone would like to add an idea or content that fits with my blog please just comment below. Thank you!


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