Freeman beauty: Klout perk #MyMultiMask

     As a member of Klout I received a Klout perk from Freeman beauty, it was three packages of their facials. Cucumber facial peel off mask, Avocado & Oatmeal facial clay mask, and Charcoal and black sugar facial polishing mask were the three varieties. The idea of the #MymultiMask was to try different masks on different parts of your face. For example use one for oily skin on your Tzone and a renewal one on the rest of your face. 
     I seen so many good things about the Charcoal and black sugar facial polishing mask that I tried that on it's own. It won an award thru Allure magazine even. So I wanted to see how good it is... I have to say my face felt amazing after it! My skin was softer then it felt in a long time and even my dry areas felt great. I will be picking up a large size bottle soon. Yes it's that good.
     I did avocado and oatmeal mask with the cucumber mask. I used the avocado mask on my Tzone and the cucumber mask on the rest of my face and neck. I am not a fan of the peel off masks but I did like how my skin look and feel after. It did leave me a little pink for about an hour after. So I would do this the night before or the morning of a important night out. This time of year, winter my skin tends to be drier so I should have done the cucumber mask with the charcoal facial. But in the end they all worked well. And I love the #mymulitmask idea. It let's you customize your problem areas. And at under $2 a mask that is a great deal!


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